Your New High Sierra Divers Newsletter 
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September Dive Team Event!

Upcoming Dive Team Event
September 16 – 18 in fort Bragg.  We will be staying at Casper Campground.  There will be Scuba Diving and Free-diving.  We will have a potluck BBQ for the whole family on Saturday.  There will be a ‘Kids-Bingo’ Game in the afternoon.  This is a big Family Event, so be sure and bring the kids.  The more the merrier. 

Lobster Opener October 2 –5, 2011 

This could be you in this picture! 
‘A Once in a Blue Moon’ opportunity has come available for you!  We have had a few spots open up on the ‘Opening Season of Lobster’.
This means there are no commercial traps set yet.  Our trip is opening weekend of lobster season aboard the ‘Truth boat’ which is a wonderful live-aboard boat that serves great food.  The trip includes:  Sleeping Accommodations – 3 Meals a day – Snacks – Water & Great Diving!  You can do 4 – 7 dives daily if you make the effort. Advanced Diver rating is highly recommended.  More information Here.    

July 2011 Boat Trip  

This was a great trip for everyone who went on the trip.  Weather was warm & sunny; the sea was flat, visibility was up to 50 ft. divers had a great time diving and just hanging out.  There was photography and spear fishing also.  We took 18 Halibut on board.  Noah, pictured above, of course came up with the biggest Halibut weighing over 44 pounds.
Star & Lindsey did an amazing job also bringing up Halibut from 15 – 25 pounds. ‘Girls Rock’. 
Next years trip is July 26-29, 2012 on board the Vision.  This trip is already half full.  If you want on board, come down or call and put a deposit to guarantee a spot on this popular trip.

More July Boat Trip Pics Here

Upcomming Classes

Nitrox Class October 19, 2011
Basic Class Jan 10, 2012
Advanced Class Jan 11, 2012
Nitrox Class Jan 18, 2012
Class Calendar

Also Doug will be taking his Basic Class to Monterey on September 24-25, 2011.  Come Along and Join in.

Labor Day Weekend Closure

We will be  OPEN September 2, 2011 from 10 am to 2 pm.  We will be CLOSED September 3 tru September 5 for Labor Day Holiday.  Have a Happy Holiday and Safe, Enjoyable Diving

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